The Video Game Monologues

 Posted by (Visited 11107 times)  Game talk
Dec 092009

YouTube – The Video Game Monologues.

I don’t even know what to make of this. 🙂 I suppose I am flattered, sort of. It stars me and McKenzieWark. (Be patient, it speeds up after minute 3 or so).

  13 Responses to “The Video Game Monologues”

  1. Thanks for taking the time to watch the video (and for understanding that it’s supposed to be tongue-in-cheek). It was just a little project for a grad class here at Georgia State University, never thought you’d actually be watching it. I’m obviously a big fan of your book, thanks again!

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raph Koster and MMPOW, 김기웅(Kay Kim). 김기웅(Kay Kim) said: RT @raphkoster: New blog post: The Video Game Monologues […]

  3. Looks as if someone mistook the contents of your book for the entirety of your thoughts.


  4. Put the model of Raph on Metaplace or something, so we can dress him up in battle gear and fire lasers at space monsters. 😉

  5. Morgan Ramsay>Put the model of Raph on Metaplace or something, so we can dress him up in battle gear and fire lasers at space monsters.

    That military entertainment complex has really got its claws into you.

    Or it could just be evolution.


  6. Gamers taking themselves taking themselves a little seriously. Ok.

    It would be funny if the Raph avatar hit the McKenzie avatar on the back of the head with a basketball at the end. That’s entertainment. Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!

  7. Richard:

    Actually, I was paying homage to Raph’s son! “This would be awesome if you had a ray gun. All good games have enemies and ray blasters.” (<a href="link)

  8. Wow, this is awesome! Like a combination of The Matrix and Ishmael, for games. It lacked a real conclusion though – I was hoping for something more.

    Still, it was entertaining, and gave me something to think about. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  9. Morgan Ramsay>Actually, I was paying homage to Raph’s son!

    Well, that military entertainment complex has really got its claws into him, then!

    Or, put another way, “boys will be boys”.


  10. “boys will be boys” — Or girls. Or hedgehogs. Or robots. With ray guns.

  11. Looking at the BBC mashup of pundits punding at Kevin Kelly’s site, I sense the weboligarchs are in for a satirical pasting.

    I watched the Danah Boyd video, read her speech and thought to myself, cry little girl but you walked right into this thinking somehow that giving droning speeches of profundities that were old before you came on the scene and not noticing that the entertainment appeal was tight sweaters and strawberry blondeness is noobie to the anklets. If she really believed attention is power, she would have pulled up the sweater and dared anyone to keep looking at their TwitBoxes.

    All stages are entertainment regardless of venue or cause. All audiences turn when they get bored. If all you have is cover material even where ‘reimagined’, you’re going to get air horn borne at some point. Man up, reinvent, or retire. That’s show biz.

    “It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world ‘cept for Lola.”

  12. You haven’t played EVE Online before?????
    I am disappointed!

  13. Mantees, the fictional person in this who bears resemblance to me is not actually me. 🙂

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