GDC09: Worlds in Motion Kickoff

 Posted by (Visited 9312 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Mar 242009

My brief kickoff of the Worlds in Motion Summit went well. There’s actually write-ups, which considering I was only on stage for fifteen minutes is slightly surprising. 😉




Forgive the formatting, but the hotel connectivity is basically non-existent, and I am using my cellphone as a model to post at all!

Entropia becomes a bank

 Posted by (Visited 14238 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Mar 212009

Ars Technica reports that Project Entropia and MindArk are in the process of getting an actual banking license.

…a Swedish video game developer has been granted preliminary approval for a real banking license by the Swedish Finance Supervisory…

…the game itself has proven to be incredibly successful, having generated over $420 million last year.

Now, though, MindArk’s going to be just like a bank in the real world: it will be backed by Sweden’s $60,000 deposit insurance, offer interest-bearing accounts for its clients, feature direct deposit options, let players pay bills online, and apparently will offer loans to customers.

And another long-standing prediction among virtual world watchers begins to come true: that virtual worlds would eventually become fiduciary institutions.