New Metaplace interview

 Posted by (Visited 5189 times)  Game talk, Gamemaking  Tagged with: ,
Jan 252009

The Metaverse Journal has a new interview with me up. It’s all about Metaplace, the industry (games and virtual worlds), and what my five desert island discs would be. They call me an “elder statesman,” and then comment I probably wouldn’t like that, and they’re right. 😉

In re-reading the answers, there’s one minor correction I want to make:

Lowell: As a writer, has anything recently in virtual worlds stood out for you as high-quality writing?

Raph: To be honest, I don’t think that writing has ever been a huge part of social virtual worlds. It’s had far far more of a presence in the RPGs, where it is really starting to get much better.

That should, of course, be “a huge part of graphical social virtual worlds” — since writing was the key form of expression in the text-based ones! (Also, I am not minimizing the good writing work some are doing — it just doesn’t seem to be a major current in the field right now).

Europe’s security recommendations for VWs

 Posted by (Visited 5922 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Jan 232009

Spotted on Metaverse Law that

The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) released an interesting position paper on some of the concerns associated with virtual worlds.

A summary of the position paper’s recommendations:

  • Governments and policy making bodies:
  1. An industrywide forum for sharing of info on security vulnerabilities
  2. Fund work on clarifying legal issues around IP and personal info in VWs
  3. Encourage independent dispute resolution for player-to-player issues
  4. New financial procedures to prevent item theft using chargebacks
  5. Investigate the issues around conflicts between legislation & common carrier status for VWs
  • MMO/VW operators:
  1. Deal with item duping, end-to-end secuity, and DOS attacks
  2. Clear privacy policies
  3. Charge a token returnable fee for for all ODR complaints (to prevent false complaints)
  4. Improve user authentication
  5. A standard set of governing documents and terms, built with user input
  6. Provide bootable CD images for critical operations such as online banking
  • Awareness and research
  1. Run campaigns on account theft detection, how to handle bad behavior, in-world property risks, etc
  2. Research future trends with security concenrs, such as content filtering, security and reliability of open world formats, etc

Energy drinks sold as “health potions”

 Posted by (Visited 7505 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Jan 222009
Looks more orange than red to me...

Looks more orange than red to me...


The Health Energy Potion promises gamers up to eight hours of energy, elderberry, ginseng, biotin and folic acid, and as much caffeine as two cans of Red Bull.

–New Health Potion Adds ‘+160 HP’ and Ginseng – Kotaku Australia.

Apparently, you’ve been drinking apple cinnamon Red Bull all these years.

Virtual Worlds Management Industry Forecast 2009

 Posted by (Visited 6359 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Jan 192009

Virtual Worlds News has published their “Virtual Worlds Management Industry Forecast 2009”.

Among questions answered of the dozens of CEOs and senior execs interviewed are things like “What are trends for the next year?” and “What is your company’s goal for 2009?” Lots of mentions of the economy. My favorite answer comes from Sean Ryan of Meez:

Get profitable while Armageddon rolls over the industry.