CNN on how games are healthy

 Posted by (Visited 6783 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Oct 272009

Are video games good for your health? – It’s one of those slideshow dealies. Among the anecdotes:

  • Playing games can cure “lazy eye” better than an eye patch
  • Training with Wii Fit and Wii Sports improved balance in Parkinson’s patients

Always nice to see more of these studies…

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VW educators in the UK, look here

 Posted by (Visited 6435 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Oct 272009

Virtual World Watch has  a request for information up — they want to hear from you about how you use virtual worlds in UK higher and further education.

The question

How are you using virtual worlds (e.g. Second Life, OpenSim, Metaplace, OLIVE, Active Worlds, Playstation Home, Blue Mars, Twinity, Wonderland) in teaching, learning or research?

Things you may want to include:

  • Why you are using a virtual world.
  • If teaching using a virtual world, how it fits into your curriculum.
  • Any evaluation of the experience of using the virtual world.
  • Will you do it again next year? Why (or why not)?

A few side points

Oct 272009

He’ll be taking audience questions, as well as answering some of ours. 🙂 Visit by following this link, or if you’re on my site reading this, just click on the embed below:

(event over, but here’s the log!)

Today we had Cory Doctorow in Metaplace, and he was a fascinating speaker!  We had way too many audience questions than we had time for, and could have probably went all day long.  Read on for the full chat log!

Cuppycake: As many of you are aware, Cory Doctorow is a science fiction author and blogger at He’s known for his activism on DRM and copyright, and for providing his books for free on the web through Creative Commons licensing.
Cuppycake: We’re excited to have him in Metaplace today!
Cuppycake: Hi Cory 🙂
doctorow: Hi there!
Cuppycake: First question
Cuppycake: You are a huge proponent of giving away electronic forms of your books. Can you talk about why?

Continue reading »

RezEd podcast

 Posted by (Visited 5432 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Oct 212009

I was lucky enough to be part of a podcast for Global Kids’ Digital Media Initiative, the RezEd podcast, alongside Daniel Livingstone and Joe Castille, who are two of the educators using Metaplace. It was a great conversation! Check it out here.

RezEd Podcast Episode 42 – Metaplace and Forecasting the Future of Virtual Worlds

(WORLD) The forty-second RezEd monthly podcast, produced by Global Kids.

Raph Koster, President of Metaplace, and two practitioners discuss the advantages of using Metaplace within the classroom, and an In Focus with Nic Mitham of KZero, discussing their new chart forecasting the future of virtual worlds.

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The Sunday Song: Ducklings in June

 Posted by (Visited 5400 times)  Music  Tagged with:
Oct 182009

I actually wrote this back in June, after a walk in one of the neighborhood parks where there were, you guessed it, some baby ducks.

The recording is a little funky — something weird going on with the panning or presence in the left vs right channels.

I’ve already forgotten how to play it. 🙁
