A whole bunch of news tidbits

 Posted by (Visited 7216 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , , ,
Jan 052010

Boy, have I neglected the blog. Here’s some stuff I said to myself, “I should blog that” that flew by.

  9 Responses to “A whole bunch of news tidbits”

  1. […] Pro Tweets New blog post: A whole bunch of news tidbits https://www.raphkoster.com/2010/01/05/a-whole-bunch-of-news-tidbits/ raphkoster – Wed 06 Jan 4:02 0 votes All Things […]

  2. Thanks for the link to Marc’s list of games! That’s a great resource for those of us who don’t keep in close enough touch with the board game scene.

  3. Another interesting take on the best board games of the decade —

  4. I am really enjoying the Love beta. I played the alpha for a bit as well. Its definitely unique and takes some getting used to, but when a good group of players is together building a settlement its fun. However, one griefer can take the game down to a terrible level in a heartbeat.

  5. Also wanted to note I’m disappointed that Battle Lore didn’t make the top games. Personally, I really enjoyed it. But I can understand it is a bit derivative of the games like Memoir 44.

    My game of the decade would be Carcasonne (I love it so much Slashdot even posted my review of it while back, go me!).

  6. If you plug my real name into Google, you get tens of thousands of hits, only a scant handful of which have anything to do with me. If you plug in the names of my primary Second Life avatars, you get a few hundred hits, but they’re all my work or related to me. Paradoxically, I’m less anonymous under my ‘pseudonyms’ (which are therefore arguably more ‘real’ than my given name).

  7. Figured Flash on a phone after MP closes it’s doors to us. 😛

  8. I never got into Second Life, but when I did register an account, I was able to find my real name in the fantasy names. 🙂

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