
 Posted by (Visited 11268 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Jun 102010

On Metaplace there was a puzzle game I designed called Wheelwright. One of our users, known as Obo there but as oscan on Kongregate, just released a game called Trinhex on Kongregate that is inspired by that one. Given that it is hexes, it of course plays very differently, adding triangle swaps and bonus objectives. Check it out!

  3 Responses to “Trinhex”

  1. I thought Wheelwright was too hard. Trinhex seems all right. I moved up to level 9 before I saw that the highest score was 6 times my own. The difficult aspect of Trinhex for me, I think, is when three same-colored triangles are in a single triangular “block.” When I see one of those blocks, I can’t focus on the hexagonal pattern that I need to create. Strange thing.

  2. How do the metal pieces work? It looks like a 4x bonus for getting rid of them, in which case I expect them to match any color. But that didn’t seem to work.

  3. Thanks for the post Raph! 🙂

    The metal pieces match nothing and prevent the triangles from being moved, much like the nails in Wheelwright. So you have to move around them to make matches.

    The 5x bonus comes from matching on the location of the rotating star.

    For comparison, this is what wheelwright looked like – on an early level so without the nails – complete with missing asset Metaplace icon. 🙂

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