Yehuda Berlinger’s 2010 board game gift guide
(Visited 12331 times)Sep 142010
Yehuda has posted a holiday board game gift guide, and it covers games new and old. I can personally vouch for 75% of the list as great picks, and it is giving me a great list of some extras to hunt down. On the list besides lots of true classics are games like Blokus, Ingenious, For Sale, Set, No Thanks!, Ticket to Ride, Wits and Wagers, and his own It’s Alive.
Some recent acquisitions of my own include Dixit and Dao, but I haven’t really gotten to play either one yet. My son has been enjoying Reiner Knizia’s Money (iTunes link) and High Society (iTunes link) on the iPad a lot.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raph Koster, MamaGaming. MamaGaming said: Blog post: Yehuda Belinger's 2010 board game gift guide […]
Good list! I can vouch for about 25%, especially Ticket To Ride, Settlers of Catan, Shadows Over Camelot & Carcassonne (prefer the original to the Hunters & Gatherers though)
Good list, thanks for the links! I didn’t realize that Money and High Society were out on the iPad, either. (Just played the non-electronic version of Money for the first time a couple of weeks ago, haven’t played High Society yet.)
By the way, if you’re ever in the Mountain View office on Tuesdays, some of us play board games over lunch; we gather around Dave Rohrl’s desk Tuesdays at 12:30 and then go to a nearby conference room.