User Spam Remover for WordPress
(Visited 10951 times)Version 0.9.1 of User Spam Remover for WordPress is out, and I wanted to recommend it because it is the only tool to remove fake users that has ever worked on my WordPress database.
Earlier versions didn’t work, and the plugin author, Joel Hardi, was doggedly persistent in following up from a comment thread post all the way to emails as we sent SQL queries, logs and DB structures back and forth to one another. Now it works like a charm, and I am pretty sure the result has sped up my blog a fair amount.
If you were one of the 6000+ users who were deleted because of lack of comment posting activity, sorry. 🙂 And if you have a WordPress blog and were driven batty by hundreds of “new users” a day, this is the plugin for you.
5 Responses to “User Spam Remover for WordPress”
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Honestly, Akismet has never failed me, so I’ve never even thought of other programs like this…
This is for removing fake user registrations, not spam comments. Akismet catches the posts but not the dummy users made to make them.
New users? There are users on wordpress? I thought it was just a name + mail + IP thing.
Eh, this would be useful if I had more than a visitor a day on my site 😛
What? You mean people have to regularly comment or you delete them?
The issue was that there were like 5950 of those six thousand who were pure spam accounts and had never posted once, or had only posted spam. I currently have it set to delete “anyone who registers and in ten days doesn’t comment or posts only spam.” If you have ever commented ever, you were safe.