A Sunday Poems update

 Posted by (Visited 7230 times)  The Sunday Poem, Writing  Tagged with: , ,
Dec 062015

CUFA7Z4UYAAbQruAs hopefully you know, I released a little book of the poems that I have been posting here on the blog on Sundays.

Today Motherboard did a little piece on it:

I think next time I should make a game that has the poems in it, and I bet it would be seen by a much larger audience. Why should these things be tied down into traditional media and release methods? Why couldn’t we commingle them much more? If you were doing the game adaptation of that poem about network optimization, what the heck would that be?

Of course, it also got plenty of exposure from BoingBoing’s feature on it, which included several of the poems and illustrations. Gaming sites like Massively Overpowered and The Ultima Codex wrote about it too. All of this coverage is quite out of the ordinary for poetry, I suspect, which mostly gets covered by sites about poetry.

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