A Poke-roundup
(Visited 5563 times)Jul 192016
My piece on how “AR is an MMO” traveled far and wide this week. Among the appearances:
- I wrote a follow-up entitled “I Really Did Mean MMO” that anyone who liked the first post would probably like.
- New World Notes asked me a few questions via Twitter DM, and the result was a little piece on what the game needs to keep thriving. I’ve played it a bunch more since, and have a completely different list at this point, but there it is if you’re interested.
- Gamasutra included a snippet in their list of “quotable bits about PokemonGO.” I was also one of several designers interviewed for a story on there about the past and future of AR games.
- It’s also in this week’s Critical Distance roundup.
- Several MMO sites discussed the post, including Massively Overpowered, Massively Overpowered again, Mein MMO (German), MMO.it (Italian), and MMORPG.com.
- So did a bunch of news sites, including El Pais (Spanish), Gamona.de (German), and NYMag — twice, once in a general article about the game, and again as one of the recommended reads in their roundup on “hot takes” on PokemonGO.
There’s probably more to come — I was asked about interviews by several outlets this week, and actually said yes to at least one, as I recall.
If you’re looking for more to read from a game-design specific angle, I recommend
- Three expert mobile designers talk to The Verge about it
- And a bunch more talk to The Guardian
- Brian Green’s post on how MMOs are everywhere now
- Wes Leviton’s article wherein he speaks from a lot of experience creation location-based games.
Also, you may recall I mentioned that alternate client views is common in MMOs? Well, here’s your global map of where all the Pokemon are. If you can get in — it’s overloading with traffic.
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