UOForever livestream

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Apr 302018

I spent a lovely few hours on UOForever yesterday, wandering around and seeing what UO looks like for the first time in fifteen years. Much of that time was spent doing a livestream where I told tales of UO’s development, and showed off pictures out of my design sketchbook from back then, many of them things that no one has seen publicly before.

It was a real trip to wander around Trinsic and point out art of mine that is still in the game, the rippled terrain that I still remember painstankingly making, and seeing objects that still act the way I coded them two decades ago (though of course, UOForever actually reimplemented everything themselves).

Here’s the video:

Watch Ultima Online Forever – http://www.uoforever.com – Free 2 play! from UltimaOnlineForever2 on www.twitch.tv

  2 Responses to “UOForever livestream”

  1. Thanks for the Q&A, it was cool to hear all the detail about the game and development of it.

  2. Thanks!! Loved to hear all that UO background stories! You are awesome, innovated not just about the idea but technology behind it. I have to admit, I didn’t finish the video yet, will continue tomorrow but I hope you explain the feelings about community work around UO, there are still a lot of ppl working for it, new tools to reverse client data, multiple server emulators, assistance programs for classic client or even a whole new client supporting OpenGL, (I know you mentioned 3d client, I think it was Iris) this community dedication is amazing and it is just for UO! I know this somehow hurts the real game, but it also created another meta game!

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