Building the Metaverse session
(Visited 8343 times)The redoubtable Jon Radoff from Beamable has been doing a great series of videos called Building the Metaverse on a wide array of topics related to, well, the Metaverse. Today he’s posted up a video where the two of us riff on interoperability, governance, digital ownership, and much much more.
It’s got lots of real talk. Some key bits to whet your appetite:
It’s far more likely that you’re going to replicate aspects of human reality than invent a new human reality.
Governance is not a technology problem.
If you are operating a Cloud AR kind of environment, are you a government?
Everything digital is non-rival… but real world economies are mostly based on rival goods. The whole point of blockchain is to re-create rivalry…
Are we recreating rentiers?
The biggest takeaway I really want everyone to have is “the metaverse is made out of people,” and that we cannot lose sight of the human element in all this. It’s so easy to get caught up in reductionist tech solves — exciting ones, even! — that ignore the wider context. There’s a lot of history to learn, lots of mistakes made, so there’s not much excuse for blind naivete anymore.
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