Gamespot interview up

 Posted by (Visited 10217 times)  Game talk
Feb 142006

Hello from lovely (I presume, since I haven’t seen any of it) Atlanta!

I did a Gamespot interview right after doing the Churchill Club thing. It’s now been posted, so I thought I would link to it before going to find some dinner.

I generally stay away from work-specific stuff on the blog, but there were some broader questions at this interview, so… let me know what you think.

One thing, they didn’t note all the [laughs] bits that were going on. I wasn’t seriously asking them if they were dissing us. 🙂 Also, the “drives them nuts” bit, I was pointing at Chris Kramer, our long-suffering PR guy. The conversation happened over beers at a sports bar, it was the closest place we could go to sit down and chat.

Some quotes:

MMOs are not yet the Internet. MMOs are still AOL in that sense and I think they’re probably going to stay that way for a while. It took a while for that to change [on the Web] anyway. And when it changed, the Web turned out to be different from AOL in a lot of ways and I think we probably don’t know yet the shape of the Web-equivalent MMO in that sense.

the platform really is the Net, right? I’m not minimizing the client but I am saying that the hardware’s an enabler.

I don’t think that innovation is solely the province of the indies.

…we need to keep broadening our sense of the kinds of ways you can make money off of these games. It sounds like, “money, money, money,” but, to me, what that actually means is we’re going to get more kinds of games because when the business model changes, people get inventive about ways to design…

…never change more than 59.7 percent of your code…

  2 Responses to “Gamespot interview up”

  1. […] Comments […]

  2. More accurately:

    never change more than 99% of your code.

    The 1% usually contains your name.

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