The print edition is out! Yay! Hopefully I get author’s copies tomorrow.
In celebration, I thought I’d share some images of what it looks like now. I really couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. All glossy and hefty, it feels very substantial and classy. And I have trouble going back to look at the black and white now, having grown used to color everywhere. Read on for some before-and-afters on the imagery, some looks at the text additions, and how I tackled the issue of revising away some of the sexism in the cartoons!

The first thing, of course, is the layout. Yes, it’s in a portrait layout now, instead of the horizontal format. Not only will it fit better on shelves, but it also means that the book shouldn’t fall out of stock as much, because we selected this layout because we can use Print On Demand to constantly keep hard copies available. Before, copies had to be manually ordered.
Ironically, the actual size of the book is almost exactly the same. The new edition is actually just slightly larger.
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