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For readers to comment on whatever they want!

Answer this post

 Posted by (Visited 9237 times)  Open thread
Dec 012007

…aka, the blogging dilemma…

What with all the new sites that track various sorts of virtual worlds news, it’s getting harder to figure out what to blog about. What’s more, I don’t even really know what the readership of the site is anymore (other than “largish.”) Is it people interested in UO/SWG style worldy games? Theory of Fun/Game Grammar scholarly types? Is it people following Metaplace? How many are general web folks looking for the intersection of games and social software?

I know, “write what you want.” But to some degree, I admit I am audience driven. 🙂 I also don’t want to just end up regurgitating old posts, or reblogging news from other sites. Because of this, I have been posting a little less. Of course, I am also doing a lot of work around the Metaplace alpha, so some of the reason for the decrease in posting is that my energy is just going elsewhere…

Anyway, just wanted to take the pulse.

Website downtime

 Posted by (Visited 6434 times)  Open thread
Nov 112007

Apologies for the downtime yesterday — my host decided to move me from one machine to another, more powerful machine. But they literally gave me no notice. I got the email telling me about it after the site was already unavailable to me! As a result I wasn’t able to warn anyone or put up any redirectors or anything.

Service seems to be back to normal, so we’ll see.

Back home

 Posted by (Visited 7055 times)  Misc, Open thread
Oct 252007

And everything looks fine. The filter from the air conditioner was truly horrendous, nearly solid charcoal colored. Here’s some pics from the way back. Click on any of them to get larger versions…

Smoke in Anaheim

This is what the smoke is looking like over the southern LA area. It was like this in Anaheim (where even the mighty big hotel AC systems couldn’t combat the smell of smoke), and pretty much all the way down to San Juan Capistrano.

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Ho-hum in Anaheim

 Posted by (Visited 6526 times)  Misc, Open thread
Oct 242007

Woke up this morning to the news that the I5 was closed because of fires in Camp Pendleton, so we couldn’t go back even if we wanted to. But that seems to be under control now, and the highway is open again.

There are some reports here and there that neighborhoods right by us are open — ones that were closer to the fire even — but when I called the county’s hotline, they said that our zip code was still marked as restricted, so we are staying put for now. In a half hour, we’ll miss checkout time for the hotel, and at that point, we may as well stay the night.

I am thinking we may also go shopping for stuff likely to be hard to find down there, like dust masks, HEPA filters, and the like.