Open thread

For readers to comment on whatever they want!

Open Thread #3

 Posted by (Visited 16562 times)  Open thread
Feb 182006

Sorry for no posts yesterday — we’re having a fun time around here at home… a combination of a diabetic kid and a stomach flu is tricky to manage; she can’t keep anything down, but we have to keep her blood sugars up, and then keep them down, and so on… without food, which is our usual main tool for pushing sugars up.

Anyway, you might have noticed the addition of the “other posts you might be interested in” thingie at the bottom of posts now, before the comments thread. That’s because I was too lazy to keep linking all of the disparate posts on single-player games manually.

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Monthly report: January 2006

 Posted by (Visited 13624 times)  Open thread
Feb 012006

Two thousand and six! Whatta year. Another thirty-and-one days gone by, and naturally enough, that means another monthly report, chockablock with uninteresting statistics, reminiscences of days gone by so recently that you haven’t had time to forget them, and of course, everyone’s favorite: goofy search strings. Hold on to your hats, be they homburg or cloche…

In December, I reported that approximately 12,000 enlightened souls visited the blog. This month, I’m pleased to report that 19,500 presumably slightly-more-benighted ones did. On January 25th there were in fact almost 4800 visitors, thanks to Zonk Slashdotting a fairly inconsequential post. Generally speaking, though, the number of visits saw a healthy trend upwards, and for the latter half of the month ran in the mid-2000’s every day.

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Monthly Report, December 2005

 Posted by (Visited 13798 times)  Open thread
Jan 012006

Time for another monthly report, my way of letting you know how the site is going!

We’re up on visits since last month, with around 1700 visitors a day or so. There were 12000 unique visitors, same as last month. A lot more visits, perhaps reflecting the increase in comment activity. Up by over 25%. The biggest day was actually December 1st, so maybe the blog is getting more boring?

Only 97 people listened to the mp3s I put up. *sigh*

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Open thread #2

 Posted by (Visited 11708 times)  Open thread
Dec 112005

I’m off to have dinner with the family and Cory Doctorow. In honor of that occasion and the fact that I won’t be writing any lengthy essays tonight, here’s an open thread.

Alan sanded the house on Wales Avenue. It took six months, and the whole time it was the smell of the sawdust, ancient and sweet, and the reek of chemical stripper and the damp smell of rusting steel wool.

Alan took possession of the house on January 1, and paid for it in full by means of an e-gold transfer. He had to do a fair bit of hand-holding with the realtor to get her set up and running on e-gold, but he loved to do that sort of thing, loved to sit at the elbow of a novitiate and guide her through the clicks and taps and forms. He loved to break off for impromptu lectures on the underlying principles of the transaction, and so he treated the poor realtor lady to a dozen addresses on the nature of international currency markets, the value of precious metal as a kind of financial lingua franca to which any currency could be converted, the poetry of vault shelves in a hundred banks around the world piled with the heaviest of metals, glinting dully in the fluorescent tube lighting, tended by gnomish bankers who spoke a hundred languages but communicated with one another by means of this universal tongue of weights and measures and purity.

–opening paragraphs of Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town

Post & comment on whatever ya want!

On vacation!

 Posted by (Visited 7444 times)  Misc, Open thread
Nov 182005

Blog posts may slow down somewhat. I intend to read, visit family, play guitar, and sketch, not necessarily in that order.

The Making Light blog does open threads every once in a while. Consider this to be one. Post whatever, have a conversation amongst yourselves. Argue politics and religion.