
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Website downtime

 Posted by (Visited 6451 times)  Open thread
Nov 112007

Apologies for the downtime yesterday — my host decided to move me from one machine to another, more powerful machine. But they literally gave me no notice. I got the email telling me about it after the site was already unavailable to me! As a result I wasn’t able to warn anyone or put up any redirectors or anything.

Service seems to be back to normal, so we’ll see.

The Road to Ensenada

 Posted by (Visited 7825 times)  Misc
Nov 082007


(Above, a photo of Ensenada’s harbor, with cruise ships docked, in the persistent light fog that is shrouding all of SoCal and Baja lately — you can click on it to get a larger image).

Yesterday I gave a magistral conference at CICOMP ’07, in Ensenada, Mexico. This was my first time to Mexico, first time driving through Tijuana, seeing Baja California, etc.

The talk was basically a reworking, in Spanish, of material from other talks centered on A Theory of Fun and game grammar. Given the audience of mostly compsci students, it was mostly new to them. It was fun giving a talk in Spanish — it’s been well over a decade since I had reason to speak the language regularly. I only had to fumble for words a few times.

I have many observations about the experience overall:

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The smoke does help some things

 Posted by (Visited 7141 times)  Misc
Oct 262007

The moon over Rancho Bernardo

This links to a 1280×720 pic for anyone who wants it as a widescreen wallpaper…


So this is the moon over Rancho Bernardo tonight. You can see where there is an absence of lights right below the hills; that is where the fire came through.

Back home

 Posted by (Visited 7073 times)  Misc, Open thread
Oct 252007

And everything looks fine. The filter from the air conditioner was truly horrendous, nearly solid charcoal colored. Here’s some pics from the way back. Click on any of them to get larger versions…

Smoke in Anaheim

This is what the smoke is looking like over the southern LA area. It was like this in Anaheim (where even the mighty big hotel AC systems couldn’t combat the smell of smoke), and pretty much all the way down to San Juan Capistrano.

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