
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Ho-hum in Anaheim

 Posted by (Visited 6546 times)  Misc, Open thread
Oct 242007

Woke up this morning to the news that the I5 was closed because of fires in Camp Pendleton, so we couldn’t go back even if we wanted to. But that seems to be under control now, and the highway is open again.

There are some reports here and there that neighborhoods right by us are open — ones that were closer to the fire even — but when I called the county’s hotline, they said that our zip code was still marked as restricted, so we are staying put for now. In a half hour, we’ll miss checkout time for the hotel, and at that point, we may as well stay the night.

I am thinking we may also go shopping for stuff likely to be hard to find down there, like dust masks, HEPA filters, and the like.

Tracking the fire

 Posted by (Visited 6077 times)  Open thread
Oct 232007

Good maps:

This one shows that Mira Mesa is now an area of concern, as is Santee and Lakeside. It shows our area in the middle, as “previously burned,” but as you can see it’s kinda surrounded by areas of concern. Notable is that 67 just closed, and that Bonita and Chula Vista seem to be OK now. But really, it all depends on the winds.

They are keeping it updated with the latest set of incident reports, etc.

The councilman walked the area with his staff and noted addresses. he only covered one part of the neighborhood,though. Then someone else made a Google Map of it. Hurray for the Internet!

How it’s gone

 Posted by (Visited 9311 times)  Misc, Open thread
Oct 232007

Smoke from the backyard — usually I can see EscondidoFinally, some time to actually sit and write. First off, status. We’re fine, and we’re in Anaheim, which seems to be one of the few places not completely covered by a smoke plume (it’s still hazy though!). We are probably here for another day, just because of air quality and waiting for evac orders to lift for our area.

So, there we were at Legoland, the kids enjoying a day with grandparents. We were driving back and stopped off at Fry’s (they’d never seen one). While there, I got a call from my mom — in Florida — asking if we were affected by the fires. “What fires?” I said. Nobody there knew what I was asking about.

Then we took 15 south, and saw the giant plume of smoke. We drove right into it to get home, and at the house, which sits near the top of a hill in southern Rancho Bernardo, we saw a basically gray and yellow sky, with occasional ash falling. Here’s a pic from the back yard — normally, I can see to Escondido, fifteen miles away. We then went to the TV and the net to try to find out more about the fire.

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Evacuation status

 Posted by (Visited 6897 times)  Misc
Oct 222007

We’re up in Leucadia. Which may not be far enough, based on the maps! Around 1/3 of Areae is coming here, in fact.

Outside, the smoke is thick and the sky is solid yellow. Which is what it looked like last night back in Rancho Bernardo.

Near as we can tell, our house and the office are both still there.

If this area looks too threatened, we’ll keep heading north. I heard one woman on the radio who just headed to Vegas. 🙂

We have evacuated

 Posted by (Visited 5656 times)  Misc
Oct 222007

posting from my phone. very smoky over in Rancho Bernardo. we are now down at the Mira Mesa High School, all fine. we decided to go when they closed all the highway along our neighborhood and when we could see the flames on the hills around poway and rancho bernardo…