
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

We’ve packed our car

 Posted by (Visited 5321 times)  Misc
Oct 222007

We can see the fire cresting hills in the distance, and I-15 is closed one exit up from us.

No word on evacuations for our part of town yet, but more northerly parts of the neighborhood have been told to evac.


 Posted by (Visited 7492 times)  Misc
Oct 212007

No, they are not really near us (now, anyway).

But yes, we are directly under the huge plume of smoke. It’s hard to breathe outside. The Santa Anas are gusting really hard, too.

Oct 152007

Quite a lot of the mail I have gotten recently relates to the quickie design outline I did for Penny Arcade… a few of them were pretty interesting, so I am just reprinting them here.

 Dear Raph, I am a huge fan of the SimCity series (worried about the loss of technical details in the new Socities) and read your words on Penny-arcade.com. PLEASE BUILD THIS. I know, i know, you are busy writing the code to run an actual world like this, but as someone who is both a DIY homeowner and a lover of constuction, the game you propose would be fabulous. Thanks for your time, Fred

I can assure you that I have no intention of rushing off to make this game, anymore than I did when I tossed out the Healing MMO as an idea. Sorry! Besides, the real point is to make Tycho do it, not me. 🙂

Now, this one, I thought was really fascinating:

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In Japan!

 Posted by (Visited 6121 times)  Misc
Sep 222007

I am here. Random notes:

Man, it takes a really long time to get from the plane to the hotel. Like, three hours. 45 minutes was probably the immigration line!

There was a magical bus to the hotel, so I didn’t have to learn the train system. Yet.

There was a girl on said bus who laughed the whole way. I don’t know why.

I ran into Tyler from Indiana University in the immigration line. So, no creepy stalker, but I did have a stranger recognize me. That felt odd.

Then I shared the bus with another CEDEC speaker. This is starting to feel like a very small world.

I saw many many DS Lites on the way.

So they warned me there was no ground on the plug. What do you do with laptop plugs that have a ground prong? hink the hotel has an adapter? Sigh. I have 6 hours of computing left.  (Update: the hotel is sending an adapter up, yay!)