
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Off to Japan!

 Posted by (Visited 7168 times)  Misc
Sep 202007

I am heading off to Japan in the morning, to speak at CEDEC. The blog may get slightly quieter for a bit as a result.
It is my first time there. 🙂 If you’re in Japan, and want to show me around, and aren’t a creepy stalker… let me know.

Sep 172007

Gene Endrody of MaidMarian.com pointed out this cool Alexa graph that shows how much seasonal trends matter for virtual worlds:

Alexa traffic graph

I did an Alexa compare of traffic for the last six months for MaidMarian.com, ToonTown.com and Habbo.com. Habbo’s traffic is from the US site only – compared with MaidMarian.com’s worldwide, so it’s not a fair comparison per se. What I found very interesting was how close the three correlate. You can see the boost that summer holidays provide, however the ebb and flow of web traffic is really obvious. I would be really cool if we had a Dow Jones Industrial Average for web traffic to compare against.

Yeah, I think any of the operators who have been running more than one world have noticed this. There’s definite seasonal trends to virtual world usage. We need some worlds popular in the Southern Hemisphere to even out the curves! 🙂

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Off to Austin!

 Posted by (Visited 3833 times)  Misc
Sep 042007

I fly out in a couple of hours for the Austin Game Developers Conference. I will be there until Saturday morning. If you see me, say hi! And if you are trying to email me, be aware that I will probably be slow to respond.

My speaking schedule while there is available here.

How to donate for Peru earthquake victims

 Posted by (Visited 9179 times)  Misc
Aug 172007

International appeal:

In the U.S.:

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