
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

The earthquake in Peru

 Posted by (Visited 5977 times)  Misc
Aug 162007

Edit: there is a new post here with lots of ways to donate to help out the victims.

The Jose Padilla case is already pushing this off the US headlines, which is deeply disappointing. The death toll (400-500 thus far) does not tell the whole story. Things you should know that are not necessarily going to make the headlines:

  • It’s been revised up to an 8.0 earthquake, felt as far away as Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina. There have been hundreds of aftershocks, ranging from 7’s and 5’s on down.
  • There’s probably 70-80,000 people directly affected, around 20,000 homeless.
  • The city of Pisco was 70% destroyed. Try to picture that in your head — it’s a city of around 80,000 people. Seventy percent. Who knows how many bodies are trapped in the rubble. Photos of the worst of Pisco are here (warning, these are pictures of dead bodies laying in the street).
  • Whole neighborhoods in other areas have been rendered uninhabitable, such as areas of Rimac in Lima and large areas of Ica. The adobe-and-straw construction has made entire blocks of “quintas” or enclosed alley apartment blocks very dangerous places to be.
  • Cell phone, telephone, electric, and water service are all interrupted to varying degrees in various places. Water is flooding streets in a few locations. There will likely be the typical follow-on medical consequences. (Spain is sending equipment to provide clean water).
  • The worst affected areas are a two-hour drive from the capital, on a 2 lane stretch of highway through the desert, which has been closed by collapsed bridges and sinkholes destroying the ability to drive some stretches. It is therefore taking aid 7 hours to reach the worst-hit areas.
  • Amazingly, Internet service seems to be in pretty good shape.
  • There’s a hotline for the victim list: 0-800-10828

For the best coverage, I’d suggest hitting the website of El Comercio, one of the leading papers in Peru. The BBC has a photo gallery and some eyewitness stories. But really, the English-language media isn’t doing a great job here. Far better is the coverage from Spain, such as El Pais and El Mundo.

I’ve been looking for anything like a fund drive, but can’t find anything targeted specifically to this disaster. I’ll post if that seems to change. Some banks in Lima have opened accounts to which donations can be wired directly.

And for those wondering — yes, I do still have friends and (somewhat distant) family there. So far, I haven’t heard from most of them, but they are largely in Lima, and not the worst-hit areas.

Comic-Con thoughts

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Aug 012007

Sorry, no pics of Batman pushing prams this year.

The whole office went together  this time, but within five minutes of my hitting the hall, I had lost them anyway.


  • As usual, Scott Kurtz was too busy sketching to chat, but I did get to chat with Angie. Review forthcoming on the trade of Truth, Justin, and the American Way.
  • Maybe it’s a deep dark Internet secret, but Tycho of Penny Arcade is a closet game designer.  I won’t reveal his great idea here, as it is  too intense for most people’s small minds, and could cause brain explosions across the Internet.
  •  As usual, Gabe said one word. 🙂
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Ramblings on Social Networking Services

 Posted by (Visited 8632 times)  Misc
Jul 252007

Clickable Culture notes a new study about how young people use technology which has a number of interesting observations, but this one stood out to me:

Technology enhances, rather than replaces in-person interaction.

I have been thinking a lot lately about my experiences with various social networking services — lately, Facebook.  There’s a ton of heat around Facebook right now, with lots of companies landing major funding to build applets to live on top of Facebook; it’s basically the darling of the Valley right now.

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 Posted by (Visited 6809 times)  Misc
Jul 112007

Facebook seems to be Silicon’s Valley’s darling du jour. I was, shall we say, highly reluctant to engage with yet another social networking system. But I figure, I need to see what all the fuss is about. I must say that the ease of adding applications to your profile is really neat.

However, I am not so eager as to start actually filling the page (or my network) in with stuff (or people). I have already turned down two requests to join a zombie army…

By the way, there’s a MySpace profile page too, over here. As you can see, I haven’t bothered making that one particularly compelling either. 🙂

Jul 022007

Hey Raph, Just wanted to note that the CMP Game Group (who runs GDC, Austin GDC, Gamasutra, Game Developer magazine, etc!) has launched WorldsInMotion.biz, which is a Game Developer Research-branded online worlds blog. In my post over at GameSetWatch announcing it, I particularly mention your commentary on web-based online worlds passing the game biz by – we’re going to do our best to make sure that doesn’t happen, while documenting the most interesting bits of the current online worlds.

This is looking quite good, and another one to add to the virtual worlds-specific news sources that are rapidly springing up. In particular, the Online World Atlas that they are putting together looks like it could be extremely useful. For those keeping track or interested in the space, here’s the list of other ones that I am hitting pretty regularly these days:

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