
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Some year-end site stats

 Posted by (Visited 8541 times)  Misc
Jan 012007

Around 375,000 unique visitors to the site in 2006, visiting around 760,000 times, for an average of 2 visits per person, accounting for 225GB of traffic, all told. (That’s not including 3.3m hits and 80GB of bot traffic).

Most people visit on Wednesdays. The fewest visit on Saturdays. 1/5 of visitors add the site to their favorites.

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Dec 272006

Susan Wu tagged me and I am supposed to come up with 5 things you don’t know about me. The problem is that with all the interviews and whatnot, all sorts of things have already been said. Usually, I can pull out stuff that folks don’t expect, like “I’m fluent in Spanish” or “I have a degree in poetry,” but nowadays, this stuff is stuff all you regular blog readers know.

So this is hard. Um.

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