
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Favorite posts this year?

 Posted by (Visited 5241 times)  Misc
Dec 232006

As part of my relentless and pointless self-examination (all intended to bring you a Better Blog(tm), of course), I’m curious as to which posts you liked the most this year.

Besides, that way I can skate by with a very slight blog post today while not looking like I am ignoring the blog altogether.

I’m curious for nominations in the following categories:

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Geek ornaments

 Posted by (Visited 10766 times)  Misc
Dec 092006

Although we haven’t done it in years, we have a tradition derived from my father: when we have a holiday party, we ask each guest to bring not a gift, but an ornament for the Christmas tree. In this way, our tree has become sort of a living history of holidays in the family.

With the minor downside that we cannot fucking remember who gave us what.

In any case, this naturally enough means that we have a nicely eclectic tree with not one generic shiny ball on it. Instead, we have alot of handicrafts, joke ornaments (we seem to have lost the condom that someone brought one year), and of, course, tributes to geekdom.

I thought I’d share a few.

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Advice for new parents

 Posted by (Visited 14078 times)  Misc
Dec 082006

Friends of mine just had a baby (congrats, Scot!). As I was composing my generic email with congratulations and advice, it occurred to me that I have written this same email a dozen times now, and should just post it. 🙂 So here it is (written for a boy baby because that’s what Scot and Anita had):


My advice:

Sleep whenever the baby sleeps. You will be tempted to catch up on housework when the baby is sleeping, or catch up on work, or read email, or whatever. This way lies doom. Sleep whenever the baby sleeps. This is the single most important piece of advice I can give you.
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Looks like my webhost hiccuped

 Posted by (Visited 4301 times)  Misc
Dec 022006

And in the process ate part of a day of posts and comments. I’ll see about rewriting the stuff or digging it out of a cache, I suppose. Looks like I lost:

  • “Algorithm or art” — about using regression analysis to analyze common patterns in hits
  • The Games for Change closing address
  • The brief thing on what teens like in avatars

Any more? And anyone got caches?

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