
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Welcome back, Bloglines

 Posted by (Visited 5887 times)  Misc
Nov 292006

Today I see that Bloglines readers are once again back in numbers. I assume that whatever was messing up the feed for most of them ever since I upgraded to WordPress 2 has fixed itself somehow (even though when I went to Bloglines, I never saw anything wrong).

So, welcome back. You have lots to catch up on, starting around here.

Nov 212006

I have literally hundreds of mails backed up from the Mailbag. There’s no way I will get to all of them. So here’s just a few recent ones, and maybe I’ll try doing another post soon. Or maybe I should do this weekly, or something.

Mr Koster. Let me first start off by saying I have been following you since you worked for Origin, and I am a big fan of your work. I have several questions I would like to get into. I am currently stationed in Afghanistan, and I have some free time on my hand, It has always been a personal goal to work for a company like EA, or Sony. Or Just a company who is involved with MMORPG’s I would like to also design a small game myself, Do you have any suggestions on where to start. Thank you for your time Alan SPC US Army Salerno Afghanistan

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Stupid spam and CPU…

 Posted by (Visited 4908 times)  Misc
Nov 172006

So I once again got a high CPU warning on the site. I go and check the logs, and I find that just querying comments is slow. This is what they told me last week, and I optimized the tables then; I didn’t espect to have problems again so soon.

A quick Google led me to the Codex where I learned that all those comments I marked as spam (many of which are marked automatically) are all still stored.

This quickie step took care of fully 14MB worth of spam comments out of the 25MB comments DB:

DELETE FROM `wp_comments` WHERE `comment_approved` = ‘spam’

I guess this means that the blog can run another year before I need to upgrade hosting!