
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

From the mailbag

 Posted by (Visited 13577 times)  Mailbag
Jul 282006

I just got done reading Chapter Nine of your Theory of Fun for Game Design and I think it suffered for not having a functional definition of ‘art’. I’ll throw you the one that I developed and hope that you find it useful as it is very applicable to systems in general. “Art is a manifestation of Genius.” This definition does more than just separate ‘good art’ from ‘bad art’ subjectively, but allows art to spread accross a wide swathe of mediums and fields. Yes, a beautiful mathematics proof can be art. Computer programs (and even games) can be art. It makes art reflect upon the creator and context. One’s regard for Duchamp’s Fountain, for example, is based on whether one thinks it a cute idea, a clever idea, or a manifestation of genius. The definition also rids us of the notion that art is somehow about communication. The only thing that art universally tries to convey is ‘Look what greatness mankind has wrought’.

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Comic Con 2006

 Posted by (Visited 11862 times)  Misc
Jul 212006
Has ComicCon grown up?
Has Comic Con grown up?

So today, we went to Comic Con.

Leave house: 10:30am.

Get downtown: 11:10am.

Find parking spot: 12:20pm. $5 (amazingly, most of the close ones were $20, but they were full. We had to park on the other side of Petco Park).

Make it to the convention center: 12:35pm. $20 by pedicab — no way the kids were willing to walk that in the heat.

Entrance for me and the kids: $25. (And a very nice ComicCon employee let us cut the line when he saw I had two kids in tow).

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Wikipedia and Wisdom of Crowds

 Posted by (Visited 19766 times)  Misc, Reading
Jul 122006

There’s some debate these days about Wikipedia and the wisdom of crowds. Then again, there always seems to be debate about it. The thing that I keep noticing, though, is people using a generic definition of “wisdom of crowds” that is quite different from my reading of the empirically verifiable parts of Surowiecki’s book.

Technically, Surowiecki’s conception of “wisdom of crowds” is ONLY applicable to quantifiable, objective data. The very loosey-goosey way of using it to discuss any sort of collective discussion and opinion generation is a misrepresentation of the actual (and very interesting) phenomenon.

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Jul 102006

I’ve been bad and let the mail pile up. Even this only cuts it in half…!

OK so I’ve been reading your site since before it was a blog, since lumthemad.net was still a website. I read everything I can find about game development. I’m currently in community college (not doing well, but whatever), and I want to work in game design. I read a post where you pointed people in that kind of direction. One thing I’m not sure of, though, is once I get a diversified education, what do I do? I’m about to have an associates (2 year) degree from my school, and I have no idea what to do after that. You say learn coding, I’ve already got Flash’s Actionscript and some basic C++/C# down. Should I continue my education at a 4-year school? What should I major in, since I already (almost) have a Liberal Arts/Social Sciences degree? Start coding up some games and try to break into the industry? Apply for a job at a game company near where I live (yeah right, New York)? Start a blog that nobody will read and post thought-provoking essays? I’m at that point in my life where I need some direction, and as probably the most successful person in your field, you’d be the man to ask. I’m looking to spend my life making games and worlds, I just don’t know where to start. Thanks for your time, whether you respond or not.

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