
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Pages cut off in IE?

 Posted by (Visited 13988 times)  Misc
Jun 132006

So I’ve gotten a few reports that some pages on the site (like this one) are cut off at the bottom when viewed in IE 6 for Windows or Safari on the Mac — but not in Firefox on PC, Firefox on Mac, or IE 5 for Mac. (Haven’t tried Opera yet).

We have found that on some pages if you resize the screen wider it’ll “pull up” the stuff that was pushed off the bottom, but you can’t just scroll down to it using the scrollbar.

Problem is, we don’t see anything wrong. Validating the HTML and CSS comes up clean. We’re baffled. Any web folks out there who have a clue as to what’s up?

Monthly Report, May-June 2006

 Posted by (Visited 42659 times)  Misc
Jun 012006

I missed doing a report last month — I don’t remember why. I hope that means you all pined for the monthly dose of goofy search terms!

It looks like the torrid growth of the site has slowed down somewhat. Phew, I was getting worried there for a bit. Here’s a bit of a graph showing how it’s going:

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Search box update

 Posted by (Visited 6358 times)  Misc
May 292006

Minor thing, but I switched the search box here on the site from a blog-only search box to one of the Google ones, so that you can search the entire site, blog posts included. I keep seeing search results that are looking for things that are actually on pages in the Gaming section.

You’ll have to set the radio button to search this site only if you want to confine your search to here, but in my tests it’s picked up everything in the blog as well as elsewhere on the site.

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Memorial flags

 Posted by (Visited 9591 times)  Misc
May 272006

Flags in place on Memorial Day

Every year, an army of Boy and Girl Scouts descend upon the nation’s military cemeteries and plant one flag in front of every headstone. This morning, my kids did this at Cabrillo National Monument on Point Loma here in San Diego. There are 85,000 flags to place, and there are enough kids that it takes about an hour to do all the gravesites.

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