
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

A couple of magazine appearances

 Posted by (Visited 5052 times)  Misc
May 122006

I haven’t seen either of these, but I hear

  • the May issue of Computer Games Magazine had some of the debate on instancing that went around the blogosphere a few months ago; apparently Brad McQuaid and my reply are featured; and
  • the May issue of Game Developer has an article on self-promotion in the game industry that features a screenshot of this blog. No idea if it is a good or bad example. 😉 Scott Jennings tells me he gets around 5000 unique visitors a day, which means they should have had a screenshot of his blog instead!
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Not at E3/At E3

 Posted by (Visited 6194 times)  Misc
May 102006

You may have wondered why no E3 posts.

Because today, Wednesday, was my wedding anniversary. 14 years, and it still feels as good as ever.

The next gen of consoles pales in comparison. 🙂

I will, however, be there Thursday. Can’t say I am looking forward to it, actually. Loud, tiring, and a two-and-an-half hour drive at 6:30am.