It’s been ages, so it’s time for all you new readers to go add yourselves to the map.
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.
It’s been ages, so it’s time for all you new readers to go add yourselves to the map.
These come in via the contact form. Anyone who wants to write to me can feel free, though I won’t guarantee that I will answer. But if I get enough emails, maybe I will post the answers here. 🙂
Mr. Koster: I’m a college Sophmore writing to you for advice. Continue reading »
I haven’t seen either of these, but I hear
You may have wondered why no E3 posts.
Because today, Wednesday, was my wedding anniversary. 14 years, and it still feels as good as ever.
The next gen of consoles pales in comparison. 🙂
I will, however, be there Thursday. Can’t say I am looking forward to it, actually. Loud, tiring, and a two-and-an-half hour drive at 6:30am.
The Vatican Astronomer is in the Timeline. Huh.
PS, still looking for updates to the timeline! I’ve gotten almost none!