
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Monthly Report, March 2006

 Posted by (Visited 15185 times)  Open thread
Apr 022006

Alas, my sense of humor is much diminished by the cold I’ve been suffering for the last few days (which is also why posts have slowed somewhat recently). So don’t expect this month’s report to be full of the usual self-deceptive impression of wit.

The basic news: ack, the site got bigger and more popular. Again.

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My monitor died

 Posted by (Visited 8157 times)  Misc
Mar 272006

Very annoying, but hence the lack of postings today. First I had to try different cables, then different computers, then mix ‘n’ match, to confirm that it was indeed the monitor. Whenever it turns on, it shows a picture for about one second, then it goes to a black screen.

Guess I will need to run out and buy a new one first thing in the morning… *grumble*

GDC day three

 Posted by (Visited 14300 times)  Misc
Mar 232006

I missed every session except Phil Harrison’s keynote, because of meetings or just stopping in the hallway to chat. And that keynote has been reported all over the web, so I won’t go into detail, except to say that I wish I had my PSP with me so I could download Loco Roco onto it at the PSP download station. Oh, and that SOE got a great shout-out for our work on the network platform. Woo hoo!

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