
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.


 Posted by (Visited 6855 times)  Misc
Feb 202006

I just realized that many probably didn’t get my joke/pun regarding double-coded languages in yesterday’s Sunday Poem, so I figured I had better point you to Chef, an example of one that I was introduced to while at Living Game Worlds.

The below is interpretable, valid code in Chef. I was told that the goal in the class at GTech was for students to not only write code, but bring in tasty muffins for the class. I guess they had to both compile and cook their recipes. 🙂

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My turn…

 Posted by (Visited 4987 times)  Misc
Feb 202006

…to get sick. 😛 Been knocked out since sometime yesterday, with a head cold or something — at leats it’s not the stomach flu version! All of us have been fighting it…

I wanted to write about Mirrormask, since I spent all night dreaming about it in that strange quasi-hallucinatory way you do when you’re ill, but I don’t feel up for sitting at the keyboard.

Now I am off to conquer the kingdoms of orange juice and their treacherous allies chicken soup. 😛

A conversation with my daughter

 Posted by (Visited 7156 times)  Misc
Feb 182006

…who is under the covers on the couch, recovering from the stomach flu.

Mom: “I told her that it was whale-watching season and her eyes lit up.”

Me: “Yeah?”

Elena: “Yeah. I didn’t know.”

Me: “Yeah, it’s pretty cool, they all come up on shore to watch us.”

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Open Thread #3

 Posted by (Visited 16579 times)  Open thread
Feb 182006

Sorry for no posts yesterday — we’re having a fun time around here at home… a combination of a diabetic kid and a stomach flu is tricky to manage; she can’t keep anything down, but we have to keep her blood sugars up, and then keep them down, and so on… without food, which is our usual main tool for pushing sugars up.

Anyway, you might have noticed the addition of the “other posts you might be interested in” thingie at the bottom of posts now, before the comments thread. That’s because I was too lazy to keep linking all of the disparate posts on single-player games manually.

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Happy Valentine’s Day, Kristen!

 Posted by (Visited 5829 times)  Misc
Feb 142006

I fly out for Atlanta this morning, which means that I had to be sneaky, and buy the roses and whatnot the day before, hide them in the car trunk, and then outwait her tonight so I could set them up on the desk after she went to bed. 🙂