
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

A pain in the neck

 Posted by (Visited 7837 times)  Misc
Feb 092006

I mean that literally. I woke up yesterday with a stiff neck (though some might claim that’s my natural condition!) and it gradually wore away during the day after a hot shower and moving gingerly for a day. But this morning, I awoke in this San Jose hotel room at 5am barely able to move my head.
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From San Jose

 Posted by (Visited 6373 times)  Game talk, Misc
Feb 082006

Briefly noted: an open letter from a group of academics to Blizzard regarding GLBT guilds. This has more than a whiff of open letters in other areas of politics, and makes me wonder how governance of virtual spaces will continue to evolve. How long until this group of academics starts writing their letters under the rubric of an organization?

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Saying this once, slowly and clearly

 Posted by (Visited 8957 times)  Misc
Feb 032006

Recently there has been a rash of posts here about SWG and the NGE, and wishing for the pre-CU version of the game, and so on.

I understand and appreciate that some players want changes. I get your passion. I even feel proud and humbled at the same time that you show so much enthusiasm for work that I was involved in.

This is not the right place for those posts. This is my personal website. You may have noticed that I don’t put up SOE press releases either. It is easy enough to deduce the reasons why this is so. They are all fairly obvious reasons: professionalism, contractual obligations, blogging policies, company codes of conduct, and so on.

Comments will be locked on this thread, because this isn’t really up for discussion; it’s just how it is. If you like the blog, and enjoy the interactions, you need to realize that these are the parameters under which I write, and I hold myself to strict standards on these things.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled occasional acoustic music and sunday poems. Film at 11.

Monthly report: January 2006

 Posted by (Visited 13657 times)  Open thread
Feb 012006

Two thousand and six! Whatta year. Another thirty-and-one days gone by, and naturally enough, that means another monthly report, chockablock with uninteresting statistics, reminiscences of days gone by so recently that you haven’t had time to forget them, and of course, everyone’s favorite: goofy search strings. Hold on to your hats, be they homburg or cloche…

In December, I reported that approximately 12,000 enlightened souls visited the blog. This month, I’m pleased to report that 19,500 presumably slightly-more-benighted ones did. On January 25th there were in fact almost 4800 visitors, thanks to Zonk Slashdotting a fairly inconsequential post. Generally speaking, though, the number of visits saw a healthy trend upwards, and for the latter half of the month ran in the mid-2000’s every day.

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