
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Monthly Report, December 2005

 Posted by (Visited 13826 times)  Open thread
Jan 012006

Time for another monthly report, my way of letting you know how the site is going!

We’re up on visits since last month, with around 1700 visitors a day or so. There were 12000 unique visitors, same as last month. A lot more visits, perhaps reflecting the increase in comment activity. Up by over 25%. The biggest day was actually December 1st, so maybe the blog is getting more boring?

Only 97 people listened to the mp3s I put up. *sigh*

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Dec 232005

I have here three reviews of A Theory of Fun written in Korean, and I don’t know what they say. I’d very much like to know, and also to post the reviews on the book’s website.

If there’s anyone out there willing to translate them, I’d very much appreciate it. The blog readers map doesn’t show anyone in Korea, but after all, we know most of the readers haven’t put their markers on that yet. 🙂

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www.legendmud.org/raph is gone

 Posted by (Visited 9134 times)  Misc
Dec 132005

Or rather, it now redirects to here. A bit of an end of an era.

Right now, most of the buried internal links will return a 404, but if you put in .shtml instead of .html for the URL, you’ll end up on the version on this site. Over time, we’ll be fixing those too, and then all the jillions of citations for the Laws and whatnot will just redirect quietly to here.

It’s actually a decent moment to stop and reflect on this website and its history.

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