
Stuff that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else.

Recent News

 Posted by (Visited 7683 times)  Misc  Tagged with: , , ,
May 081999

Brief aside:

Sometimes having a website can be a bit disturbing.

To wit, recently I was asked permission by someone affiliated with a UO fan site to have images and material from this site used in Windows wallpaper. About me. For public distribution.

Scary. Not sure I have much more to say about that, other than it made me rather uncomfortable and I asked that the wallpaper not be distributed…

I’ve reproduced a recent interview on online community building that I did for the VaultNetwork, with their kind permission.

Along the lines of the above, the blurb at IGN.PC said it was an interview with “one of the legends of online game design.” Eep. Do those guys happen to be affiliated with the above UO site? Anyway, the interview is under Gaming/Interviews.

Haven’t written the essay on “computer games as art” yet. Bruce Sterling was encouraging me to do it at the museum talk, and then Littleton happened, and a whole slew of new issues arose that I wanted to talk about involving censorship of games and social responsibility in their design… so who knows when I’ll write anything about it. There’s enough commentary about Littleton without adding my two cents.

Lastly, my wife Kristen has posted a whole bunch of new pictures of our kids, you can reach them thru the Bio section.


 Posted by (Visited 7232 times)  Game talk, Misc, Writing  Tagged with: , , , , ,
Feb 131999

Redesigned the whole website to this spiffy new look! Also added:

  • a bit of historical trivia to Gaming/Misc Writings/Scripting languages in Diku muds.
  • Limericks under Writing/Poetry
  • Roleplaying bardic verses under Writing/Poetry
  • The entire Music section, although there’s plenty yet to add
  • Teaching Materials under Literature
  • The Bio page
  • The Guestbook
  • The What’s New page
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