
Stuff that I have written.

Scary stats redux

 Posted by (Visited 6276 times)  Open thread, Writing  Tagged with:
Apr 192008

Back at the end of 2006, I noted that thanks to stat-tracking stuff here on the blog, I could tell that I had written 340,000 words on the blog over the years. That’s just blog posts, not counting anything in the site proper, mind you.

Well, here we are a year and quarter later, and there’s 540,000 words there now.

So I really need everyone to go back and tag them all. 🙂

The Sunday Song: Polliwog

 Posted by (Visited 8015 times)  Music, The Sunday Poem  Tagged with:
Apr 132008

OK, I lied. It’s not a song. It’s more of a jam session. Since it wasn’t fully grown and looked likely to have warts even upon attaining adulthood, I named it “Polliwog.” Drum tracks, bass, acoustic, two electrics, and the piano all piled onto a standard blues progression played really fast.

Basically, I slammed together three different blues riffs I like to jam with, two for guitar and one for piano. They were originally all in different keys, but I piled ’em all into one. If you want to add to the cacophony, it’s in E.

Apr 092008

Disney is shuttering Virtual Magic Kingdom. Nobody knows how many active users it has these days, and Disney is of course moving aggressively into more virtual worlds, encouraging users to switch to Toontown, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, and Club Penguin. But as longtime virtual worlders know, that’s not acceptable to the current community, who not only have a lengthy thread on the discussion boards, but have also started threads even on the new coverage elsewhere begging for their world to remain open.

Generally, a virtual world with any momentum at all will not die unless it is actively killed. And the result is always heartrending posts like this one: Continue reading »

The Sunday Poem: The Land of Red Barns

 Posted by (Visited 5524 times)  The Sunday Poem  Tagged with:
Apr 062008

Well, I just wasted like three or four hours trying to record a song, but something is off in my recording setup and everything sounds incredibly noisy. I can’t pinpoint what the problem is, so I am giving up.

That means that I am cheating today, which is bad, given that I missed two weeks of posting something for the Sunday Poem/Song — one to the blog being down and one to illness. But oh well, that’s what backlogs are for.

This song is on After the Flood, and was also the title track to a separate album that I put together but never finished recording. I wrote it after driving cross-country to attend a friend’s wedding. And all you get is the lyrics — you’ll have to pick up the CD to get the actual song. 🙂

Continue reading »

The Sunday Poem: Science Homework

 Posted by (Visited 5377 times)  The Sunday Poem  Tagged with:
Mar 162008

My daughter has a science project she has to do. It involved testing various substances to see whether they were acid or base, using a stinky cabbage juice concoction. We did the experiments on the kitchen table this evening…

Science Homework

Cabbage juice and acid a pinkish fluid make.
Cabbage juice staying blue means you found a base.
Cabbage juice with bleach, though, is turning green;
Heavens! A chemical reaction unforeseen.

Glasses strewn on kitchen table, tablespoons of love,
Careful mixing of antacids and the smelly stuff;
We tolerate the messes and hope nothing explodes
For sake of experiments further down the road.

Avogadro’s number has nothing much to tell us
Here on a Sunday while younger brother’s jealous.
“I want to blow stuff up!” he says; someday his chance will come.
Meanwhile, I ladle cabbage juice into a poem.

If only we each got six glasses for our mixtures.
But all our lives are made of tests that became our fixtures.
Hypothesize, trial run, measure and record;
You take the acid, form your base, and keep on moving forward.