
Stuff that I have written.

The Sunday Poem: Wii

 Posted by (Visited 4561 times)  The Sunday Poem
Nov 192006

The wee ones might want a Wii;
Restrain yourself from shouting “Whee!”
Sneezes and coughs
& freezing your ass off
Are all the lines buy you, you see.

Expect another post with big panorama pictures of the lines shortly.

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Nov 122006

In the middle of the night, coughing, I resorted to one of those mentholated Halls cough drops; candy with a bite. Drifting off to sleep, a few iambs popped into my head, and here I am now, posting a Sunday Poem at 3:07 am.


A single stagnant drop of sugar, caught and coalesced and cooked to crystal shine.
It’s fricative and fresh, this lump or lolly, taffy, toffee, gumdrop, goo or fairy dust.
It conjures summers, jujubes and dimes. A stick of pixie, lips of wax, and time
To race about, the dog at heel, the swarm of kids, the tinkling ice cream truck, the sweat.

The sweet is sharp; your tongue gets bumps. A crack can catch your gums, cut you, leave wounds as small
As any cut inside your mouth: enormous, one more thing to suck on, strawberry.
We face the same hard choice of every day: to crunch would be to hurry it along.
It’s sweeter far to savor sweets and time before the time and sweets are soft, then gone.

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Nov 052006

There once was this erstwhile poet
Who swore, “I’ll post Sundays, ya know it!”
But a weekend away
Left no time to stray
So the conference* caused him to blow it.

*Project Horseshoe, that is. Where there were multiple limericks delivered, in fact. Plus that old blue joke about the bagpipe and the octopus who walks into a bar.

Oct 292006

Posting the Sunday Poem each week has become an interesting exercise. For one, few of you read them. For another, it’s something alien enough to the game world that I doubt most regular readers of the blog have any interest. I am sure that the various marketing types who hang out here would tell me that it “dilutes the brand” to some degree, because blogs that are tightly focused (and unambiguous, and full of bullet points!) are the ones that quickly get lots of traffic. Ah, the odd ways in which commerce intrudes.

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