
Stuff that I have written.

Oct 202006

In the last few days, I’ve seen this huge huge spike in the web traffic for the book’s website. I have no idea why. Glancing at the logs, I see that a lot of it seems to be driven by downloads of presentations such as the keynote I gave at Training Fall 2005.

This got me curious as to whether this was driven by academic traffic, since that group was trainers and educators. Are you using A Theory of Fun as a text?

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Steven Johnson on Spore, AToF

 Posted by (Visited 4100 times)  Game talk, Writing
Oct 092006

This article exploring the connection between Spore and “Power of Ten” thinking and other cultural issues appeared yesterday. I chatted with Steven at some length for the article, and also went through two incredibly detailed fact-checking calls. (I’ve noticed that when I appear in Harper’s, NYT, New Yorker, I get these massive fact-checking calls about small things; when I am in gaming mags, I never get a call at all, including about big things).

Along the way, Steven (whom I haven’t managed to break from the habit of calling me Ralph) calls A Theory of Fun “one of the best books to date about games and culture.” Now if only he’d give me some of his spare New York Times bestseller slots — not like he’s short of them…!