
Stuff that I have written.

Sep 222006

Listen up, kids. I remember. I was there the day it happened. I know, you’ll say there’s no way I could have been alive back then, but it’s true — the pace of change is faster than you young whippersnappers think, and advances in long-life studies have kept me going far longer than I ever expected.

So yeah, I was around back on the day when it all changed — the day when we learned that TVs outnumbered people in most houses.

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Amazon makes reviews into threads

 Posted by (Visited 4949 times)  Writing
Sep 202006

I suppose that it was inevitable that reviews on Amazon turn into full-fledged threads. In other words, you can now answer a review.

As Making Light points out, however, this just means that lots of authors will start arguing with negative reviews. I shall try to mightily resist getting sucked into this. 🙂