
Stuff that I have written.

Feb 192006

Apple isn’t very good at limericks. I mean, are “pirate” and “great” supposed to rhyme?

The Age of the Computer Poem

It began when Apple let loose
With their copyright-defending Truth(tm):

Embedding bad rhymes within coding,
Chmodding the zeitgeist, foreboding,
And opening heretofore shut doors
That scare deep in multicores:
Whe’er pentameter’s big or little endian,
And runs on platforms Intellian…
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The Sunday Poem: Bridge Saddle

 Posted by (Visited 6408 times)  The Sunday Poem
Feb 122006

The bridge saddle is the piece of wood, ivory, or plastic that goes in the bridge on a guitar and holds the strings up away from the surface of the wood. It is easily removeable, usually 2-3 inches long, 1/8th of an inch wide, and 1 inch deep. It is also utterly necessary. The bridge is located directly under the soundhole, and holds one end of the strings firm.

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Amazon.com Plog

 Posted by (Visited 8152 times)  Writing
Feb 072006

There’s now a Plog on Amazon. So if you bought A Theory of Fun there, odds are it’ll pop up when you go look at Amazon.

And then it will point you back here. 🙂

I did post my picks for four of the best games of the year there, though.