MetaverseU time capsules

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Mar 282008

Henrik Bennetsen cornered everyone he could at MetaverseU and asked them a set of questions about the metaverse:

  • What excites you about current metaverse technology?
  • What concerns you about current metaverse technology?
  • What will be most the surprising impact of metaverse technology on society within the next decade?
  • What barriers will metaverse technology never overcome?

Now he’s posted all the videos of all the answers — and there’s some good stuff in there.

Here’s my answers:

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May 082006

So, I’ve already linked to a ton of other people’s commentary on the Metaverse Summit, but I haven’t given any of my own thoughts yet. If you’re used to thinking of me as the pie in the sky idealist, prepare for some grounding…!

Annotated versus virtual reality
There was a definite tug of war between two competing versions of what the metaverse means. One of them is the virtual world thing that most readers of this blog will be familiar with. The other is the annotated world augmented reality thing, which is the idea of pulling web data into the real world by overlaying it on our physical existence via heads-up specs and the like. In between is the “mirrorworld” which is a compromise, replicating the real world into virtual space and then annotating it there.

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