WordPress plugin for embedding Metaplace

 Posted by (Visited 7688 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Jul 022009

Dara Roesner’s WordPress plugin for embedding Metaplace worlds is now up on WordPress.org. So you can grab it there, or you can go to your Dashboard, click Plugins, click Add New, and search for “metaplace.” There will be two results, actually, because SignpostMarv’s MetaverseID plugin also supports Metaplace. 🙂

In any case, from there you can install the plugin automatically! It supports both a sidebar widget and a tag for putting worlds within page or post content.

A few other embedding options have popped up already, by the way. There’s a phpBB setup walkthrough here as well, which will add [metaplace][/metaplace] bbCode to your forums. A few folks have also put it in an iGoogle gadget.

Flash for smartphones this fall

 Posted by (Visited 5677 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , , ,
Jun 232009

Flash Player 10 beta coming to most smartphones this fall, says CNet. This was promised last year, (see this YouTube video showing the Flash movie playing on an Android Phone, from last November) but now there’s a date.

In a Q2 audio press release, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen confirmed that Adobe will release a beta version of Flash Player 10 in October for a number of smartphone browsers, including Windows Mobile, Google Android, Palm WebOS, and Symbian. In addition, Narayen said ARM, Nvidia, Broadcom, Intel, Texas Instruments, and Qualcomm are currently optimizing the player for their products.

No iPhone, probably because they are betting on JavaScript instead?