Recent videos & interviews

 Posted by (Visited 4449 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Apr 102017

I tweeted about these, but neglected to mention them here on the blog, so here’s a roundup!

First up is my favorite, this video by Zoyander Street of Critical Distance, for First Person Scholar. He was in town and came by my house to talk games; we ended up in my loft, where I keep the boardgame collection and do boardgame design, talking about abstract games and their rich history. You can just barely see the arcade machine off to the left there; it’s got a huge chunk of videogaming history emulated on it.

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A little card game prototype

 Posted by (Visited 12541 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with: , ,
Sep 052013

I have been working on four or five 20130905-144728.jpggame projects at once for the last few months, and they are all at various stages of completion. I had been waiting to do an announcement once I had things like, oh, a company name… but this just arrived in the mail today and I couldn’t wait to share it. Shame on me for blowing the “proper” social media marketing plan, but oh well…

This here is a nicely printed copy of a prototype I have been working on. Given the photo, I can’t keep the name secret, so… it’s currently named Rainbow, obviously.

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Yehuda Berlinger’s 2010 board game gift guide

 Posted by (Visited 12355 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Sep 142010

Yehuda has posted a holiday board game gift guide, and it covers games new and old. I can personally vouch for 75% of the list as great picks, and it is giving me a great list of some extras to hunt down. On the list besides lots of true classics are games like Blokus, Ingenious, For Sale, Set, No Thanks!, Ticket to Ride, Wits and Wagers, and his own It’s Alive.

Some recent acquisitions of my own include Dixit and Dao, but I haven’t really gotten to play either one yet. My son has been enjoying Reiner Knizia’s Money (iTunes link) and High Society (iTunes link) on the iPad a lot.

A whole bunch of news tidbits

 Posted by (Visited 7246 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , , ,
Jan 052010

Boy, have I neglected the blog. Here’s some stuff I said to myself, “I should blog that” that flew by.

Jul 162009

Gamecrafter logoThis is awesome, and I will be signing up tonight and probably throwing one of my board game designs up there to try it out. 🙂 The short form: CafePress for board game designers.

Their brief FAQ covers the basics.

At TGC, you can start selling your game with only the push of a button. There are no up-front fees, no contractural obligations, no distributors, and you don’t need a big publisher to decide your game will sell 10,000 units in the first year.

TGC is your dream made simple!

Why TGC? We’ve been in the game design/manufacturing industry for over 10 years and published many of our own titles. We’ve always specialized in small run games, but we did it only for ourselves. Over the years we’ve gotten hundreds of requests from other indie designers asking if we’d publish their games, and finally we realized that our process could be applied to games other than our own as well.

— The Game Crafter – Your game REALIZED – Home.

Looks like they handle not just boards and cards, but also sell a nice assortment of parts that can go into the game. Not as wide an array as I have in my prototype kit, but decent nonetheless. 🙂