Art section updated

 Posted by (Visited 7756 times)  Art  Tagged with:
Dec 292013

The gradual conversion of the old site into the new format continues. Old links out there still point to old pages, since I haven’t put any redirects in. But the new pages are appearing, and if you are mostly hitting the front page of the site, the menu choices will start pointing to the new pages rather than the old. Don’t worry, I won’t switch over the top pages until all the lower pages are in place!

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Quick dragon sketch

 Posted by (Visited 10564 times)  Art  Tagged with:
Aug 232008
Quick dragon sketch

Quick dragon sketch

Was noodling around with a dragon to add to a Metaplace world I was fiddling with, and sketched this. Then I ran it thru a few Photoshop filters. Been a long time since I put a doodle up on the blog, so here it is.

This was done first with Adobe Sketchbook Pro on my tablet, using “pencils” “airbrush” and “paintbrush.” Then I brought it into Photoshop and filtered one layer with charcoal, another with craquelure, and blended the two together with around a 60% opacity. For comparison, the dragon’s head used to look like this.

His wings don’t line up. Oh well. 🙂