Aug 202008

If my comments caused any harm or hurt to the hard working Americans who play Dungeons & Dragons, I apologize. This campaign is committed to increasing the strength, constitution, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores of every American.

Ben Smith’s Blog: Goldfarb keeps experience points –

From the other side…

 Posted by (Visited 6692 times)  Reading  Tagged with: ,
Jul 222008

DuoCenti: The Murloc’s Family

This late in the evening, Mrgurlargl was the only one still awake. The others were curled around the campfire, full of wine and food and sleeping soundly. He couldn’t sleep, though, he was too proud, too excited to sleep.

“Die murloc filth!” Loldude247’s assault was swift. His sword sang death even as his shouts roused the sleeping family.

Stumbled across this when checking out trackbacks. Of course, it reminds me of this.

Second Skin

 Posted by (Visited 5097 times)  Game talk, Watching  Tagged with:
Jul 162008

I’m a day late on this, i think! But Second Skin is premiering in New York, and they want to sell tickets. 🙂

Today’s the day!� Tickets have just gone on sale for the NYC premiere of our little documentary on virtual worlds, Second Skin.� We would love to have all of you there, and would be honored if you’d join us at our hometown premiere.� If we sell out this theater fast enough, we might get other NYC theaters to notice, and give us a good run- which would create a lot more press, and help us with our theatrical release later this year.

If you could please BUY TICKETS HERE and forward this message along to *everyone* you know, we might sell out within the day- our humble goal.� Thanks to all of you for making� this movie such an unbelievable success.

In case you’re new, here’s the skinny on our movie, below.� Also, watch out for us in next week’s issue of Newsweek and Moviemaker Magazine!

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May 212008

I got an email about this recently, but haven’t seen it myself. Apparently Game Informer picked the top ten books on gaming, and A Theory of Fun is on the list at #9. Perfect timing of course, given that it’s out of print and I get three inquiries a week on how to get ahold of a copy. Working on it…

David Kushner, author of the excellent Masters of Doom (which I have the galleys of somewhere around here, and which came in at #1) managed to type in the full list. I’ll have to see if I can find a copy of the article.

Edit: here’s the article.A Theory of Fun for Game Design by Raph Koster. In this book, Koster aims a bit higher than the normal historical analysis of the game industry. Instead, the former chief executive officer of Sony Online Entertainment aims to define just what terms like “game” and “fun” actually mean. His answers are fascinating and a must-read for anyone concerned with the art of video games, but what’s more impressive is that Koster – an eccentric and highly skilled writer – actually manages to make this high-brow discussion accessible and, yes, even fun to read. Through an often hilarious mix of academic discussion, first-person anecdotes, and hand-drawn cartoons, Koster brings the reader closer to understanding what role games of all sorts play in human life and what we mean when we say something is “fun.” All in all, it’s a fascinating and unique book that should be required reading at the world’s many video game college programs.