
 Posted by (Visited 8962 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Jul 092008

Blog regular Over00 writes,

Like many people, I always wanted to be able to bring some of my MMOs ideas to reality. Of course, ideas are cheap and everybody got THE good one. So I thought enough dreaming and more doing.

So about a year ago, I started to work on a framework with the same tools I’m using for my day job: .NET, SQL and Javascript. After a month of design/planning and another one of coding, I had a prototype ready.

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 Posted by (Visited 10809 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Jun 102008

Ever wanted to run an MMORPG? Well, now you can without having to do the pesky step of actually creating one. 🙂

MMORPG Tycoon is an indie game written for a game contest. You have a procedurally generated MMO, and your job is to keep the forum posters happy.

I’m downloading it now… watch me suck at it.

Go buy shirts at Target!

 Posted by (Visited 8372 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Mar 222008

No, I haven’t succumbed to putting ads inline in the RSS feed. 🙂 Rather, it caught my eye that the Experimental Gameplay Project now has a clothing line, where the shirts come with the games. And they’re available right now at Target stores.

Among the games are things like Tower of Goo and Gish. So it’s a chance to support indie creators, get some great games, and also show off your gamer cred.

I sure hope the game developers are getting a good cut on this…!