“In the Sandbox with Raph Koster” is IndieCade’s take on the talk. It’s interesting to see it getting a different slant from Ben Medler’s — part of what happens when you deliberately give a diffuse talk, I suppose! 🙂
(Visited 8962 times)Blog regular Over00 writes,
Like many people, I always wanted to be able to bring some of my MMOs ideas to reality. Of course, ideas are cheap and everybody got THE good one. So I thought enough dreaming and more doing.
So about a year ago, I started to work on a framework with the same tools I’m using for my day job: .NET, SQL and Javascript. After a month of design/planning and another one of coding, I had a prototype ready.
(Visited 10809 times)Ever wanted to run an MMORPG? Well, now you can without having to do the pesky step of actually creating one. 🙂
MMORPG Tycoon is an indie game written for a game contest. You have a procedurally generated MMO, and your job is to keep the forum posters happy.
I’m downloading it now… watch me suck at it.
Go buy shirts at Target!
(Visited 8372 times)No, I haven’t succumbed to putting ads inline in the RSS feed. 🙂 Rather, it caught my eye that the Experimental Gameplay Project now has a clothing line, where the shirts come with the games. And they’re available right now at Target stores.
Among the games are things like Tower of Goo and Gish. So it’s a chance to support indie creators, get some great games, and also show off your gamer cred.
I sure hope the game developers are getting a good cut on this…!
Three more games leave Slamdance
(Visited 255438 times)The Braid blog has the scoop. Jon calculates this is now 40% of the jury-selected games.