LGWIV: Am I miserable? :)

 Posted by (Visited 6427 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Dec 032008

David J Bailey has a nice discussion of my Living Game Worlds keynote up, in which he asks the question posed in the post title.

And there’s another take here from Matt Kelland.

And finally, this brief take at The Unexamined Life.

We saw some of the demos on our lunch break and returned in the evening for the keynote from Raph Koster. Mr. Koster was the lead designer for Ultima Online and a creative force behind Star Wars Galaxies. He prepared a delightful keynote taking us from old train yards in Spencer, NC to folk singing to the decline of the opera; always making interesting analogies to the games industry. I’m going to ask him if the video of the broadcast was recorded and if possible, get it up on YouTube. It was definitely worth hearing and has been the first thing in my life to make me miss college.

I’ll try to get my slides up tomorrow.

LGWIV: Chris Klaus keynote

 Posted by (Visited 5663 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , ,
Dec 022008

Here’s some rough notes on Chris Klaus’ keynote this morning. Seems to me like he’s almost pitching Metaplace. 😉 It’s nice to see industry leaders all pushing in the same direction.

Chris Klaus, Kaneva

Virtual worlds have been one of the more exciting segments for everyone here. I tried to write a videogame when I was a kid, ended up in security instead. Now I want to help change the world by enabling kids with the tools that we are seeing, and with games and vws we can do that.

Wanted to talk at a high level about main themes we are seeing in the industry. We are seeing patterns, divergence emerging. Some are entertainment, some are more serious and business oriented. Also will talk a bit about Kaneva.
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