Want a world on your forum?

 Posted by (Visited 9286 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with:
Mar 172008

I know, two Metaplace posts in a row…

Anyway, we are Looking for Community Beta Partners, people who have forums and want to try out adding a Metaplace world to them. This is just an early trial, so we’ll only pick a few to start. So if you’re interested, drop us a line at the link.

If you’re interested, please send me an email at [email protected].  Please include the following information:

  • Name, url and brief description of the community
  • Estimated number of unique monthly visitors/members
  • Type and version of forum software that you’re running
  • Ability / willingness to do some simple php integration

Metachat launches on MySpace

 Posted by (Visited 7643 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with: ,
Mar 132008

Metachat logoWow, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks.:)

We’ve said all along that Metaplace is a platform for making all sorts of virtual worlds. I know a lot of you are waiting for games written in it – specifically an RPG, probably. But well, games are hard, and they take time. And we didn’t see any reason to wait! So we decided that it was time to start releasing some of the worlds that have been made with Metaplace, and today we launched the first one – a simple chat room.

This is part of the OpenSocial launch on MySpace, so it’ll be interesting and exciting to be in the first wave of apps… as of right now, we seem to be the #1 app. Of course, it just launched a few minutes ago. 😉 I fully expect to get overtaken any second now by Flixster…

There’s a more detailed post on this over at the Metaplace website, including some implementation tidbits.

If you have a MySpace profile, you can hit the apps page to add it, or visit Metachat directly.

Metaplace Stress Test: a 2d space shooter

 Posted by (Visited 5906 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with:
Mar 072008

Here we go, stress test number three! Stuff is starting to accelerate quite a lot here as we gear up for releases. So we’re doing another stress test. This one is for an overhead 2d space shooter that you may have seen screenshots of before. This intent this time is to stress test with some physics and a really bandwidth-intensive game. We’ve also worked some on optimizations and on browser compatibility since last time, so we’ll see how that does. We really hope we manage to break stuff this time!

You don’t need to be an alpha tester to play. Just visit the main Metaplace page at noon Pacific time tomorrow, and there will be a link to the game.

GDC2008: yet more

 Posted by (Visited 8582 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Feb 252008

That Luminaries Transcript is, well, a transcript of the Luminaries Lunch I referenced previously. There’s a few misattributions I spotted here and there — I am guessing that Dave and I sound similar on tape (?) but it seems like most all of it is there. Edit: another one is up at GameDaily. Edit edit: part 2 of GameDaily’s transcript is up. And now part 3.

There’s also a liveblog of the Metaplace “antemortem” up at Watercooler Games. I think folks expected less of a postmortem talk with less technical details and more of a show-off sort of thing, but hey, a postmortem is what we said we’d do. 🙂

An interesting overview of the vibe of the show can be found at Videogaming247.