InformationWeek TechWeb TV visits Metaplace

 Posted by (Visited 3758 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Apr 142009

Mitch Wagner of InformationWeek & TechWeb TV came by, and the result is this video showing off a few worlds and talking about Metaplace in general. It’s a decent intro for those who don’t know much about it yet (which given how much I talk about it on this blog, I can’t quite fathom, but hey, you must exist).

Especially for Len, given the current discussions in the comment threads, check out the stage shown near the end. 🙂

Edit: looks like there’s a bug on their site which is pointing to the wrong video.

Apr 102009

I’m going to at this Idea Exchange: Emerging Trends in Game Development virtual event in about an hour.

The Basics:

When: Friday, April 10th, 12:00PM PDT
Where: or
Topic: Emerging trends in game development.


This event will be an informal group discussion loosely led by Raph Koster, Adri Haik, and myself. We will present some trend that was discussed at GDC, discuss our experience with the trend, how we see it playing out, how it impacts our work, etc, and we will take whatever opportunities we can to engage the audience and encourage group participation in the discussion.

Possible trends to discuss:
– Microcontent
– Social game development
– Free-to-play MMOs
– Engagement and retention

This event will be held simultaneously in Metaplace and Second Life. I will be in both virtual worlds simultaneously, but chatting (via text) through Second Life. Raph will be chatting from Metaplace. Adri will be chatting from Second Life. Attendees will participate from both virtual worlds and will include both people working within the virtual world/gaming industries and consumers interested in emerging trends in game development. You are welcome to invite anyone you like.

Chat between Metaplace and Second Life

 Posted by (Visited 8874 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Apr 092009

As the news has hit a few blogs in the last couple of days (New World Notes & DIP’s Dispatches from the Information Age), I thought I might as well elaborate a bit on something cool that has been going on in Metaplace lately. We’ve had a fair amount of Second Life users coming in lately, and one of the things that is much on their minds is interoperability.

In short, we have had not one but two users make real-time bridges to SL chat lately. The first was by KStarfire, who used Metaplace’s ability to act as a web server to create a simple object-based chat bridge. I asked him a few questions about it:

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