Imaginary Realities Reprints

 Posted by (Visited 8382 times)  Game talk, Music, Writing  Tagged with: , ,
Jun 271999

Just got word that Imaginary Realities (to my knowledge the only webzine covering muds in any serious manner) has reprinted a couple of items from this website. They also reprinted Marian Griffith’s essay on mud critique from the MUD-Dev list–definitely worth checking out.

On the music front, the CD is mixed but not mastered.

More news once it’s actually done! 🙂

CD being mixed

 Posted by (Visited 10511 times)  Game talk, Music, Writing  Tagged with: ,
Jun 171999

So we’re at the mixing phase on my CD, and I’ve gone ahead and put up a rough mix of one of the tunes. You can hear it under Music/What I Play, and read the lyrics there too. I also put chord forms for it (not full tablature, sorry, don’t have the time just now!) under Music/Guitar Stuff.

Let me know if you learn it, if you like it, if you think I should never be heard in public again, or whatever, on my Guestbook…

In other news, I am off for the next few days to Chris Crawford’s Interactive Storytelling conference at his home in Oregon. Should be a lot of fun, and a welcome break. I’ve got some thoughts I recently articulated on Usenet about the forms that “plot” takes in online games, complete with a 3d grid… I’ll have to post it once I get back.

Games as Art

 Posted by (Visited 9413 times)  Game talk, Music, Writing  Tagged with: ,
May 301999

The essay on Video games, or online worlds, as art is finally up. You can find it under Gaming/Misc Writings. I’ve already started wondering in my head what snippet the VaultNetwork will excerpt, since they seem to visit this site with disturbing regularity. 🙂

(Guys, I suggest paragraph four)…

For those few of you who visit because of the music section– I am in the studio! I’ve got a CD’s worth of basic tracks recorded now, and will be doing overdubs over the next few weeks. I hope to get some friends of mine in. The material ranges from fingerstyle instrumentals to blues and folk rock, with basic tracks done “live in the studio.” Stretch Williams is producing. Once it’s done, I’ll see about putting up MP3s on the website. I’m pretty excited, and it’s made a great break from just doing game design all day.


 Posted by (Visited 7232 times)  Game talk, Misc, Writing  Tagged with: , , , , ,
Feb 131999

Redesigned the whole website to this spiffy new look! Also added:

  • a bit of historical trivia to Gaming/Misc Writings/Scripting languages in Diku muds.
  • Limericks under Writing/Poetry
  • Roleplaying bardic verses under Writing/Poetry
  • The entire Music section, although there’s plenty yet to add
  • Teaching Materials under Literature
  • The Bio page
  • The Guestbook
  • The What’s New page
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