Yup, another week so I wrote another long post about the design pillars we are using for designing Stars Reach. (If you missed last week’s, it’s here, and I expanded on it on the blog here.)

This week, it’s all about the second set:
The Ease of Nintendo Meets the Depth of the Sandbox MMO
- The game will be deep: a set of proven game mechanics brought together in one universe.
- Controls and interfaces will be intuitive and simple and familiar.
- We will support varied clients so that players can play on whatever device they choose.
I go into details on each of those over in the article on the Stars Reach website.
Something that I meant to dig into in that article, but totally forgot to, is that all this talk of forms of accessibility really needs to include a factor that has hugely affected the development of MMOs over the years: the time commitment.
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