M.U.L.E. remakes underway

 Posted by (Visited 11545 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Aug 262009

World of M.U.L.E. : M.U.L.E. remake underway.

Some quotes:

Melanie Bunten Stark (Dan Bunten’s daughter) informed the WoM community that a M.U.L.E. remake is underway, probably out this summer. Tell your friends and family and be on the lookout.

And direct from her, on the Facebook page:

Hey guys…I never thought that this lisencing process would be such a big deal. I’ve had to hire attorneys, get things signed, reviewed, etc. I told my team, we need to get something going by the end of this week. I know people have been without a new MULE for nearly 25 years, but seriously, let’s get this off the ground. The good news is that flash won’t take too long. Stay tuned…I’ll let you know something as soon as I do.

Hang in there guys, we’re still working on getting you some MULE.

I have received several emails asking about M.U.L.E. for iphone…that is also in the line up.

M.U.L.E. for mobile is also in the works.

This makes me happy because I am contemplating finally getting an iPhone (I hate to switch off T-Mobile because I use the tethering, hotspots, and roaming almost every time I travel… and their service has been great).

Jan 282009

Gabe McGrath writes,

Hi Raph,

Found your blog via Technorati, whilst searching for more “retro remakes”. I hit this page. Don’t know if you (or your readers) would be interested, but the RR site was hacked recently, so your link to the downloads *won’t* work. I have compiled all the “off site” links I could find (for each remake author) and put them on one blogpost. So there you go. Sorry if you’ve already “moved on”. (Thought it might be of interest.)

PS: Funny – I stumbled on your page, and couldn’t work out where I knew your name. Then I saw the book cover – OF COURSE! “Theory of Fun” – read about it on Boing Boing ages ago. Alas, it’s still sitting safely in my “amazon to buy list” as the Aussie dollar has tanked against yours. Hopefully it recovers soon, so I can build my game-related library. All the best 🙂

Hacked… that sucks. 🙁 Hopefully they recover quickly, it’s one of my favorite indie projects.

The Retro Remakes Competition 2008

 Posted by (Visited 9920 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Dec 202008

It has been a long week — lots of 12 hours days. I have a huge backlog of polished, AAA, commercial games to play. But instead, I find myself drawn here:

The Retro Remakes Competition 2008 Entries : Retro Remakes.

At the company’s holiday party we were just talking about the old Bruce Lee game… and there it is. 🙂 Controls just as stiff as ever, too! And there’s Fort Apocalypse