Pages cut off in IE?

 Posted by (Visited 14075 times)  Misc
Jun 132006

So I’ve gotten a few reports that some pages on the site (like this one) are cut off at the bottom when viewed in IE 6 for Windows or Safari on the Mac — but not in Firefox on PC, Firefox on Mac, or IE 5 for Mac. (Haven’t tried Opera yet).

We have found that on some pages if you resize the screen wider it’ll “pull up” the stuff that was pushed off the bottom, but you can’t just scroll down to it using the scrollbar.

Problem is, we don’t see anything wrong. Validating the HTML and CSS comes up clean. We’re baffled. Any web folks out there who have a clue as to what’s up?

  9 Responses to “Pages cut off in IE?”

  1. I’ve seen the problem too. Yesterday I started using the IE 7 beta, though, and it hasn’t happened since. IE 7 is a litle difficult to get used to, though… they changed the rendering of fonts, so now they’re much sharper, and the bold is really bold. Also, I don’t like the fact I the address bar is at the top and I can’t move it down below the tab bar. But I guess I’ll get used to it.

  2. Happens in Opera as well (8.52) — no sidebars either …

    Dumb question: have you republished? Do you use templates? Any changes to those? I relocated a “widget” on my blog a while back and it screwed everything up. Republishing didn’t help — I wound up reverting to a stock template and then recreating my custom css all over again (save early, save often).

  3. It works in Opera 8.54 on the Mac. 😛

    I just installed IE 7 Beta, and it works there, as Bruce said. But he didn’t warn me that the zoom feature would completely break the site layout! Ack.

    Well, it shows how we cheated to get the site to resize to any width browser. 🙂

    As far as republishing — we didn’t change anything knowingly. I have made some changes to the sidebar on the blog itself, but that shouldn’t affect the pages within the site. We made our own theme (well, Kristen did all the real work) so it’s not a stock template. And we used two slightly different versions of it for the blog and the pages for the rest of the site.

  4. Hah! Sorry, I haven’t really used IE 7 all that much. Anyway, I suspect it’s an IE 6 bug, but I don’t recall seeing it on other WordPress sites. I’m thinking of moving my site to WordPress, but I’m looking at a bunch of different packages.

  5. The About Raph and Contact Raph link on the top left column are missing and there’s a glitch with the bg img there on the example page you pointed out. Problem may be stemming from there?

  6. One hint is that the content is chopped by the exact amount the top is shifted down.
    So, if you change:
    top: 98px; to top: 0px;
    padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px; to padding: 0px 20px 98px 20px;

    this will fix the problem. Changing the top will not be visually what you want.

    This top adjustment should not be needed if the content div’s flow was broken to start under the banner and top nav. Not enough time to play around now!

  7. Thanks John!

    I changed the padding one and it seems to have worked in Safari here on my mac at least. Will check with an older IE in a minute.

    Now if I could just get the evil<tm> grey bar at the top of those pages to go away.


  8. I had noticed that problem yesterday, but I think it was caused by a broke image for LegendMUD. But now that I type this (first time posting, but long time reader), I notice that comment box goes under the right nav bar (but in all fairness, my screen is set at 800 x 600 *ya, I know I’m a dinosaur in viewing habits* and I have come to expect that some sites will not designed for that size.)

  9. […] I’ve gotten a few reports that some pages on the site (like this one) are cut off at the bottom when viewed in IE 6 for Windows or Safari on the Mac — but not in Firefox on PC, Firefox on Mac, or IE 5 for Mac. (Haven’t tried Opera yet). […]

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